Brand trust, customer brand engagement, brand equity, service quality critical incidence, healthcare industryAbstract
A brand is the promise of value and is imperative in all aspects of the industry. Retaining existing customers and attracting new customers has always been the challenge faced by service-based industries, which include private healthcare, primarily in hospitals. As a niche sector, private hospitals' tasks address demanding customer expectations. Based on the past reviews of the literature, this study proposes a few aspects to be investigated in the context of private hospitals in Malaysia. Data was collected and distributed using an online survey. The model was validated using Smart PLS (version 3.3.2) software and SPSS for data analysis. The sampling technique used was non-probability. The analysis revealed that brand trust significantly correlates with customer brand engagement which subsequently influences brand equity in private hospitals and is moderated by service quality for critical incidence. These findings give insight to policymakers, the healthcare industry, mainly private hospitals and academic fields to discover the influences to contemplate in this sector and remain competitive strategically.
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