Social Responsibility Practices as a Factor in Economic Benefits


  • Lorena Miranda Navarro Facultad de Responsabilidad Social, Universidad Anáhuac Mexico, Mexico



Financial groups, sustainable index, social responsibility, economic profit, Markowitz Portfolio


Social responsibility shows an influential evolution at a global level, and the issue is increasingly being observed in alignment with the budgets of organizations. Therefore, some financial institutions interested in regaining the confidence of their investors are voluntarily assuming a set of practices, initiatives, standards, and instruments of international support that take into account both the interest of the organization and the well-being of the interested parties in economic, social and environmental matters. This article focuses on the financial groups that make up the Sustainable Price and Quotation Index, where the evolution and maturity of the information published on their social responsibility practices are examined, and the economic benefit they obtain is evaluated. After the research, it is observed that belonging to a sustainable index contributes to the inclusion of best practices; however, no evidence belonging to the Sustainable IPC influences the economic benefit of the analyzed groups.


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How to Cite

Lorena Miranda Navarro. (2022). Social Responsibility Practices as a Factor in Economic Benefits. International Journal of Business and Society, 23(2), 1208–1228.