Facilitate Affective Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the Technology Employees in the Chinese IT Companies


  • Shi Hu School of Economics and Management, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, China




Affective commitment, challenge job demands, job satisfaction, Family-supportive Supervisor (FSS), Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCBO)


This study aims to understand the antecedents of affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (OCBO) of technology employees in Chinese IT Companies. Job satisfaction, which is a positive job attitude is identified as the mediator for the relationships between family-supportive supervisor (FSS), challenge job demands, and affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (OCBO) of the technology employees in the Chinese IT Companies. IT industry is a promising industry in China. However, the Chinese IT companies have an overtime culture, which is highly related to the commitments of the technology employees. PLS-SEM (partial least squares structural equation modeling) by Smart PLS 3.2 version software is adopted for the data analysis, which includes the measurement model and structural model analysis. 304 technology employees from three Chinese IT companies participated in this research survey. After the data analysis, challenge job demands and FSS are positively related to job satisfaction while FSS is directly connected with affective commitment and OCBO of the technology employees in Chinese IT companies. Moreover, job satisfaction plays a positively mediating role between the exogenous variables and endogenous variables in this study. The current research provides useful insights into the strategies taken that could enhance affective commitment and OCBO of the technology employees in Chinese IT companies.


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How to Cite

Shi Hu. (2022). Facilitate Affective Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the Technology Employees in the Chinese IT Companies . International Journal of Business and Society, 23(2), 931–948. https://doi.org/10.33736/ijbs.4851.2022