The Moderating Role of Anxiety in the Relationship between the Perceived Benefits, Online Trust and Personal Information Disclosure in Online Shopping


  • Bui Thanh Khoa Faculty of Commerce and Tourism, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Minh Ha Nguyen Finance, Economic and Management Research Group (FEMRG), Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Vietnam



perceived mental benefits, online trust, personal information disclosure, anxiety, online shopping


The e-commerce market in Vietnam has shifted in a positive direction in recent years, typically due to the continuous increase in buyers, sellers, and online transactions. This study aims to understand the moderating effect of anxiety on the relationship between perceived mental benefits, online trust, and personal information disclosure when dealing with e-commerce sites. The phenomenological research with eight e-commerce experts and a survey of 917 respondents were made to achieve research objectives. The result showed a positive relationship between perceived mental benefits, online trust, and personal information disclosure. Moreover, there were differences between the study's components under anxiety level (low, medium, high). Some implications are also proposed based on research results.


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How to Cite

Bui Thanh Khoa, & Minh Ha Nguyen. (2022). The Moderating Role of Anxiety in the Relationship between the Perceived Benefits, Online Trust and Personal Information Disclosure in Online Shopping. International Journal of Business and Society, 23(1), 444–460.