The Mediating Role of Continuous Improvement on the Relationship between Workplace Learning Dimensions and Sustainable Lean Manufacturing


  • Agnes Siang-Siew Lim Faculty of Business, Design and Arts, Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia
  • Surena Sabil Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Abang Ekhsan Bin Abang Othman Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia



Lean manufacturing, Toyota Production System (TPS), Continuous Improvement, Kaizen, Workplace Learning, Sustainable Management


The main objective of this paper was to study the mediating role of continuous improvement on the relationship between learning dimensions at the workplace and sustainable Lean implementations. Embedded systems, system connections and support leadership, were the learning dimensions included in this study. The participation in this study of eight Lean manufacturing companies based in Malaysia contributed to 219 survey responses from employees with a background in Lean. The presence of continuous improvement initiatives, as a mediator, was seen to significantly influence the relationship between the dimensions of workplace learning and sustainable Lean manufacturing in Malaysia. The empirical findings from this study can serve as a source of reference, not only for operational specialists but also for human resources practitioners and strategic leaders seeking sustainable Lean benefits. This research provides a synergistic approach between operations management and human resource practices to advance Lean-related interventions for future research or practical implementations.


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How to Cite

Agnes Siang-Siew Lim, Surena Sabil, & Abang Ekhsan Bin Abang Othman. (2022). The Mediating Role of Continuous Improvement on the Relationship between Workplace Learning Dimensions and Sustainable Lean Manufacturing. International Journal of Business and Society, 23(1), 260–278.