The Mediation Effect of Online Shopping Habits on Personality Traits and Intention to Recommend; the Covid-19 Effect


  • Abdul Hafaz Ngah Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Nur Fatihah Abdullah Bandar Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Nur Aishah Awi Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, University Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Bilal Eneizan Faculty of Business, Jadara University, Jordan
  • Fadi Mohammed Alshannag Faculty of Business, Jadara University, Jordan



Big Five Personality Traits, Online Shopping Habit, Intention to recommend, Covid-19


The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has transformed conventional buying to online shopping habits. Despite the importance of customers’ future behaviour, insufficient studies have highlighted the role of online shopping habits on the intention to recommend. The study investigated how the Big Five Personality Traits (BFPT) influence online shopping habits, the relationship between habit and intention to recommend, and the habit as a mediator by applying the convenience sampling method. A total of 347 usable data were collected online and analysed using structural equation modelling with the Smart Partial Least Squares (Smart PLS) software. The study found that agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism positively affect online shopping habits, but not openness. Furthermore, online shopping habits positively impact the intention to recommend and mediate the relationship between the BFPT and the intention to recommend. The study also provides valuable information for conventional stores and online platform managers to develop marketing strategies to retain and attract new customers. Moreover, the study discussed the limitations and future research recommendations.


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How to Cite

Abdul Hafaz Ngah, Nur Fatihah Abdullah Bandar, Nur Aishah Awi, Bilal Eneizan, & Fadi Mohammed Alshannag. (2022). The Mediation Effect of Online Shopping Habits on Personality Traits and Intention to Recommend; the Covid-19 Effect. International Journal of Business and Society, 23(1), 188–206.