Designing a Pedagogy for Higher Education Success:An Empirical Study in Malaysia


  • Jayaraman Krishnaswamy School of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business & Law, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
  • Cliftton Baba Nyepit Taylor’s Business School, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
  • Goh See-Kwong School of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business & Law, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
  • Vijayalakshmi R. Department of Commerce, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India



Smart Classroom, Partnership, User-Friendly Technology, Governance, Peer Support, Perceived Benefits, Higher Education Success, COVID-19


The purpose of the present study is to develop a conceptual research model and test its applications to educationalists to design the pedagogy for higher education success particularly for higher education institutions in developing nations. Earlier studies have lesser dimensions on student-centered-learning whereas the current study exposes most of the potential predictors while conceptualizing the model and is highly suitable during the turbulence period of COVID-19. The findings of the study revealed that smart classroom, user-friendly technology, and partnership have a positive influence on higher education success. The present article considered the perceived benefits namely language skills, computing abilities, and rational thinking as a mediating variable and enact its important role in higher education success. The proposed model is useful for educationalists to design the course curriculum for higher education institutions. The significant findings obtained in the present study can be applied and customized to higher education institutions in the globe for long term sustainability to orient towards students’ career development. In the digital era with online education in force during an unforeseen situation like COVID-19, user-friendly technology will be the ultimate alternative in higher education teaching and learning as it emerges as the result of this study.


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How to Cite

Jayaraman Krishnaswamy, Cliftton Baba Nyepit, Goh See-Kwong, & Vijayalakshmi R. (2022). Designing a Pedagogy for Higher Education Success:An Empirical Study in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Society, 23(1), 118–136.