Organisational Learning Capability: Measurement, Validation, and Application in Malaysia


  • Tay Lee Chin Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, Malaysia
  • Tan Fee Yean School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Hon-Wei Leow School of Accounting and Finance, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia



organisational learning, organisational learning capability, measurement, validation, Malaysia


This study aimed to validate the measurement of organisational learning capability originally developed by Chiva et al. (2007) in the Malaysian context. This organisational learning capability scale comprises 14 items grouped into five dimensions, namely experimentation, risk-taking, interaction with the external environment, dialogue, and participative decision-making. An analysis of the scale’s content validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validity was conducted using a total of 251 valid survey responses obtained from Grade 7 construction companies in Malaysia. The findings showed that the five dimensions of organisational learning capability are highly suited for measuring organisational learning capability in the Malaysian context. The validation of the organisational learning capability measurement provides useful insights to organisations wishing to develop a learning culture or enhance their learning capability. This study also enriches the literature by proving that the organisational learning capability measurement is a valid and consistent scale that can be applied at the organisational level and across different cultures and sectors.


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How to Cite

Tay Lee Chin, Tan Fee Yean, & Hon-Wei Leow. (2022). Organisational Learning Capability: Measurement, Validation, and Application in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Society, 23(1), 106–117.