Entrepreneurial Intention to Business Start-Up: Evidence from Asia
Intention, cognitive theory, entrepreneurship, GEM data, behaviourAbstract
The purpose of the study is to explore the relationships between perceptual variables and entrepreneurial intention among 13 Asian economies, and to depict the differences in the relationships among three types of Asian economies (factor-driven, efficiency-driven, and innovation-driven). Data were drawn from the 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Adult Population Survey (GEM APS) data set. Based on the cognitive theory, relevant research questions were developed, and the data were analysed through the logistic regression model. For the case of 13 Asian countries (full sample), except social status and respect, all perceptual variables are significantly related to entrepreneurial intention, and fear of fail found a negative and significant relationship. In sub-sample analysis, we have observed that regarding risk-taking, career choice, and social status, there are some significant differences among the three types of economies. The study contributes as the first attempt on Asian samples (full) from the GEM dataset and it is also the first attempt where three types of Asian economies were analysed.
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