Exploring the Demand for Cigarettes: An Analysis of Adults in Malaysia


  • Yong-Kang Cheah School of Economics, Finance and Banking, Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Chien-Huey Teh Biomedical Research, Strategic and Innovation Management Unit, Institute for Medical Research
  • Kuang-Hock Lim Special Research Centre, Institute for Medical Research
  • Chee-Cheong Kee Sector for Biostatistics and Data Repository, National Institutes of Health




age, ASEAN, cigarette, education, gender, smoking


Smoking is an alarming public health issue in today’s rapidly urbanising society. The objective of the present study is to investigate factors associated with the demand for cigarettes among adults in Malaysia, i.e., an ASEAN country. Statistical analyses were performed using nationally representative data with a large sample. In terms of multivariate analysis, a Tobit model was used to examine the effects of sociodemographic factors on expenditure on cigarettes. Both conditional and unconditional expectations were estimated. We found that age, gender, wealth index, education and house locality were significantly associated with expenditure on cigarettes. The elderly spent less on cigarettes compared with young adults. Males and less-educated individuals spent more on cigarettes than females and well-educated individuals. There was a positive relationship between residing in urban areas and cigarettes expenditure. In conclusion, sociodemographic factors play an important role in determining the demand for cigarettes. Findings of the present study show that a successful anti-smoking policy should be targeted primarily at individuals who spend a large amount of money on cigarettes.


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How to Cite

Yong-Kang Cheah, Chien-Huey Teh, Kuang-Hock Lim, & Chee-Cheong Kee. (2021). Exploring the Demand for Cigarettes: An Analysis of Adults in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Society, 22(3), 1302–1314. https://doi.org/10.33736/ijbs.4303.2021