Examining Green Hotel Patronage Intention from the Perspective of Behavioural Reasoning Theory


  • Ling-Ling Tan Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
  • Norzalita Abd Aziz Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Abdul Hafaz Ngah Universiti Malaysia Terengganu




Behavioural Reasoning Theory, Green Hotel Patronage Intention, Altruism, Reasons, Attitude


Green hotels help minimise the negative impact of consumption on the environment. This study examines consumers’ intention to patronise green hotels by applying the Behavioural Reasoning Theory (BRT). In the BRT, the drivers of behavioural intentions include value, reasons for, reasons against as well as global motives (attitude). This study surveyed 262 respondents in the Klang Valley, Malaysia using questionnaires. The findings indicated that reasons serve as essential linkages between consumers’ values and their attitudes. In particular, Attitude is the strongest predictor of green hotel patronage intention, followed by Reasons against Patronage, Altruism and Reasons for Patronage. Reasons against Patronage have a stronger influence on green hotel patronage intention than Reasons for Patronage. Marketers should minimise the effects of reasons against to improve green hotel patronage intention, promote consumer’s altruism value and attitude toward choosing green hotels.


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How to Cite

Ling-Ling Tan, Norzalita Abd Aziz, & Abdul Hafaz Ngah. (2021). Examining Green Hotel Patronage Intention from the Perspective of Behavioural Reasoning Theory. International Journal of Business and Society, 22(2), 901–921. https://doi.org/10.33736/ijbs.3766.2021