Women Leadership and Its Association to Individual Characteristics, Social Support, and Diversity of Work Environment


  • Eddy Madiono Sutanto Petra Christian University
  • Vilensya Aveline Petra Christian University




Women Leadership, Individual Characteristic, Social Support, Diverse Working Environment


This research was conducted to see the association of women leadership and individual characteristic, social support, and the diversity of working environment on women leaders. It was conducted on one of the largest textiles listed company in Indonesia with a market capitalization of more than six trillion Rupiah. This type of research is quantitative associative explanation. Purposive sampling method was used to obtain a popu-lation that fits in the criteria of a leader who have position as supervisor above to be the respondents. 100 female leaders who have been working more than a year in the company were qualified as respon-dents. Questionnaires were used with closed and opened questions. In order to analyzed the association between variables, the data was analyzed by Chi-Square analysis using SPSS. The respondents were 100 women leaders of a listed textile manufacturing company in Indonesia. The result showed that women leaders, who had high leadership capabilities due to the individual characteristic fit as a leader. They received social supports, especially from their spouses. Moreover, high diversity of working environment helped their networking. There were two kinds of individual characteristic (age and marital status) had no associative with women leadership.


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How to Cite

Eddy Madiono Sutanto, & Vilensya Aveline. (2021). Women Leadership and Its Association to Individual Characteristics, Social Support, and Diversity of Work Environment. International Journal of Business and Society, 22(2), 807–817. https://doi.org/10.33736/ijbs.3760.2021