From Pilot to Scale - A Framework for Development Practitioners for Market Driven Vocational Training


  • Jaime Moll de Alba United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
  • Virpi Stucki United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)



Market System Development, Public Private Development Partnership, Industrial Development, Skills Acquisition, Sustainable Development Goals, Fourth Industrial Revolution, COVID-19


Partnerships bringing together both the private and the public sector, as well as development actors might play an important role in facilitating the acquisition of skills and thereby support sustainable socio-economic development, notably in the manufacturing sector. The participation of the private sector in such partnerships contributes to enhance the adequacy between skills supply and demand and thereby spurs employability and economic activity. This paper makes use of the case study method to analyse the role of this kind of partnership in skills acquisition in five industrial development projects in Africa. We hypothesize that the Market System Development (MSD) approach offers potential to enhance the impact of skills acquisition partnerships. We conclude by proposing an innovative framework to support policymakers and development practitioners to conceptualise new skills development partnerships through the application of the MSD approach contributing to systemic change and long-term sustainability.


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How to Cite

Jaime Moll de Alba, & Virpi Stucki. (2021). From Pilot to Scale - A Framework for Development Practitioners for Market Driven Vocational Training. International Journal of Business and Society, 22(2), 653–674.