The Human Resources as an Important Factor of Regional Development


  • Dana Jašková Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
  • Katarína Havierniková Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
  • Katarína Havierniková Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín



human resources, region, indicator, descriptor


The human resources present the key aspect of socioeconomic development, prosperity and competitiveness of each region due to the fact that contribute to increasing of employment, to the development of working places and improving the life standard of inhabitants. The main aim of the paper is the quantification of human resources development potential in Slovak regions. To meet this aim, the authors concentrated attention mainly on the evaluation of the level and variability of the selected indicators that were observed within four descriptors. The crucial contribution of the evaluation is the ranking of regions, based on the evaluation in each descriptor and drawing the overall ranking of human resources development potential in the Slovak Republic. To determine the order of regions, the relevant statistical methods were used: the characteristics of location and variability, hierarchical cluster analysis and its method of complete linkage. The results showed the dominance of Bratislava region that is following by Trnava and Žilina region.


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How to Cite

Dana Jašková, Katarína Havierniková, & Katarína Havierniková. (2020). The Human Resources as an Important Factor of Regional Development. International Journal of Business and Society, 21(3), 1464–1478.