Role of Network Externalities and Innovation Characteristics in Influencing Intentions to Use an Online Bank: Moderating Technological Anxiety


  • Nancy Gloria Miranda Universitas Indonesia
  • Tengku Ezni Balqiah Universitas Indonesia



network externalities, innovation characteristics, technological anxiety, intention to use, online bank


Digital innovations have numerous impacts on modern life; as such, many business models have integrated online or virtual forms, which includes banking. An online bank is a virtual form of a bank’s business model that utilizes smartphones and the Internet. This paper intends to analyze the role of network externalities, innovation characteristics, and technological anxiety on the intention to use new forms of this financial business model. The model of this research uses three aforementioned theories on intention to use an online bank in Indonesia. This paper further verifies the relationship between network externalities to intention to use and examines whether any mediating effect of innovation and/or technological anxiety have a moderating effect on the proposed relationships. With the participation of 174 respondents, the data were gathered through purposive sampling and then analyzed using structural equation modeling with three types
of relationships: direct, indirect/mediation, and moderation. The result show that network externalities have direct effects on intention to use, most characteristics of innovation have mediating effects on previous relationships, and technological anxiety has a moderating effect in some paths.


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How to Cite

Nancy Gloria Miranda, & Tengku Ezni Balqiah. (2020). Role of Network Externalities and Innovation Characteristics in Influencing Intentions to Use an Online Bank: Moderating Technological Anxiety. International Journal of Business and Society, 21(3), 1352–1365.