Capital Structure and Financial Performance: Evidence from Three Malaysian Industries


  • Annisa Husnul Latifah Universitas Indonesia
  • Hapsari Setyowardhani Universitas Indonesia



digital social network, perceived social value, satisfaction, self-congruity, tourism


Millennials are typically fond of uploading their travel photos to social media to gain social recognition. Lombok is a tourist destination with considerable potential to increase the value and social status of its visitors, as it offers enough attractions to be considered among the world’s favorite celebrity tourist destinations; it is also globally renowned for its diverse natural and cultural beauty. This descriptive quantitative research aims to examine the effect of self-congruity, perceived social value, and experience satisfaction toward the intensity of using a digital social network to reinforce the identity of millennial users in Indonesia. This research involved 214 respondents who visited Lombok for leisure and used a digital social network to inform others of their tourism experience. After being analyzed with structural equation modelling as the data processor, the results show a direct and positive effect between perceived social value and the intensity of using a digital social network but no direct and positive effect between experience self-congruity and experience satisfaction on the intensity of using a digital social network.


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How to Cite

Annisa Husnul Latifah, & Hapsari Setyowardhani. (2020). Capital Structure and Financial Performance: Evidence from Three Malaysian Industries. International Journal of Business and Society, 21(3), 1139–1152.