Analysis of Motivational Factors of MSMEs Entrepreneurs to Be Halalpreneurs

  • Mumtaz Anwari Universitas Indonesia
  • Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: MSMEs, Halal, Halalpreneurship, Attitude, Subjective norms, Perceived Behavioral control


This study aims to examine the motivational factors of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) entrepreneurs to become Halalpreneurs based on their religiosity, attitude (awareness of halal
entrepreneurship, intrinsic motivation, effort to seek out opportunity, creativity and motivation, honesty and integrity, risk-taking attitude, relative advantage and perceived desirability), subjective norm (family support and peer influence) and perceived behavioral control (perceived feasibility, government support). Data were collected from 239 Muslim entrepreneurs who run their MSMEs. Data were then analyzed using descriptive analysis and partial least square in SmartPLS 3.0. From the result, awareness of halalpreneurship, intrinsic motivation, effort to seek out opportunity, relative advantage, perceived desirability, family support, and perceived feasibility positively are found to influence halalpreneurial propensity significantly. Meanwhile,  creativity and innovation, honesty and integrity, perceived governmental support, peers influence, risk-taking attitude, and religiosity are not significant in influencing the MSMEs entrepreneur's halalpreneurial propensity.


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How to Cite
Mumtaz Anwari, & Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati. (2020). Analysis of Motivational Factors of MSMEs Entrepreneurs to Be Halalpreneurs. International Journal of Business and Society, 21(3), 1122-1138.