Motivational Component of National Corporate Social Responsibility: Funding, Accounting and Reporting Aspects


  • Olha Osadcha National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Olha Pavelko National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Joanna Nakonieczny Rzeszow University of Technology
  • Oksana Zinkevych National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



Companies;, Employee benefits, Payroll payments, Business activity, Accounting and analytical assurance


The article describes accounting assurance for payroll payment in national company under modern business conditions. The purpose of research is to identify methods for social protection of employees, being the vital element of sustainable business activity. The issues of statutory and accounting regulations for payroll payment and other fringe benefits have been generalized; their alternative solution has been given. Distinguishing features of payments specified in national comparing to international accounting standards have been researched. Practical approaches to funding of motivational component for social protection of personnel in national business company have been analyzed. Considering current requirements of national accounting standards, the improvement in analytical accounting of accruals and payments to employees (compensatory as well as motivational benefits) have been suggested. These ideas will allow us to expand informational capacity of accounting assurance for fringe benefits and their types, monetary evaluation, employee categories etc. All the above mentioned will give the opportunity to control methods of organization and owner’s regulatory compliance of corporate social responsibility.


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How to Cite

Olha Osadcha, Olha Pavelko, Joanna Nakonieczny, & Oksana Zinkevych. (2020). Motivational Component of National Corporate Social Responsibility: Funding, Accounting and Reporting Aspects. International Journal of Business and Society, 21(3), 1012–1032.