Increasing the Impacts of Information Technology Usage on Business Value


  • Agus Prayitno Universitas Dian Nuswantoro



The purpose of this study is to examine a conceptual model of the relationship between the use of information technology, information technology strategy, and information technology business value and to formulate strategic priorities to increase the business value of information technology. The data of this research were the perceptions of 126 executives of large manufacturing companies in Central Java about indicators of information technology use, information technology strategy, and information technology business value. The analysis used descriptive and explanatory methods with multiple linear regression to explain the causal
relationship of the variables of information technology usage, information technology strategy, and information technology business value. The results show that the use of information technology and information technology strategies has a positive effect on business value. Surprisingly, the information technology strategy was proved to be a moderating variable and was able to increase the effect of information technology usage on business value.




How to Cite

Agus Prayitno. (2020). Increasing the Impacts of Information Technology Usage on Business Value. International Journal of Business and Society, 21(2), 679–692.