Exploring Intrinsic Motivation and Knowledge Sharing from the Perspective of Islamic Teaching


  • Zuraina Dato’ Mansor Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Nor Siah Jaharuddin Universiti Putra Malaysia




Academics, Intrinsic motivation, Knowledge sharing, Qualitative study


Every individual hastheoption whether to share,or not to share their knowledge. Literature suggeststhatthemotivation to share can be influenced by intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors are normally initiated and are relative totheindividual’sinterest,or intention. Extrinsic motivation is subject to the work environment, the support system, andthe individual’s organisation. Thus, the intention to share can be relative to the environment surrounding the individual. This paper aims to explain the intrinsic motivation factors for Knowledge Sharing (KS)among academics from a public higher education institutionin Malaysia. In addition, it was proposedto study intention,and examine whether this was relevant to the concept based on Islamic teaching. Usingthe explorative study, the paper discussed the results based on a qualitative approachwhereeighteen academics were interviewedto collect data.Social Determination Theory (SDT) was usedand, based on Islamic teaching, the paper studypaid particularattention tothe concept ofbrotherhood and ‘ikhlas’(sincerity).Thefindings of the study were thatacademicsactingassubject matter experts, understood their roleto share knowledge and intrinsic motivation was a significant influence in their willingness to share. Further, based on Islamic teaching, it was found thatthe concept of ‘ikhlas’,or sincerity,and the concept of ‘happy to help’, or‘happy to see people happy’,matched and coincidedwhen they sharedtheirknowledge.


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How to Cite

Zuraina Dato’ Mansor, & Nor Siah Jaharuddin. (2020). Exploring Intrinsic Motivation and Knowledge Sharing from the Perspective of Islamic Teaching. International Journal of Business and Society, 21(1), 334–352. https://doi.org/10.33736/ijbs.3256.2020