The Influence of Hotel Attributes on Brand Attachment and Post-Consumption Outcomes: The Mediating Effects of Brand Credibility


  • Nadzirah Rosli University of Malaya
  • Norbani Che-Ha University of Malaya
  • Ezlika Mohd Ghazali University of Malaya



brand credibility, Hotel attributes, Brand attachment, Post-consumption outcomes, Satisfaction, Revisit intention, Word-of-mouth, Malaysian hotel


This research examine the mediating role of brand credibility between the relationship of hotel attributes and brand attachment that will to lead to post-consumption outcomes. We also examine how hotel attributes contributes to the brand attachment and post-consumption outcomes.Based on the mean-end chain theory, it explores the relationship among six constructs; hotel attributes, brand credibility, brand attachment and post-consumption outcomes (i.e., satisfaction, revisit intention and word-of-mouth). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) approach was deployed to validate the research model. The result indicatesbrand credibility fully mediates the relationship between hotel attributes and brand attachment. Subsequently, brand credibility and brand attachment are found to be significantly linked with post-consumption outcomes. The result offers implications for hotelier and direction for future research.


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How to Cite

Nadzirah Rosli, Norbani Che-Ha, & Ezlika Mohd Ghazali. (2020). The Influence of Hotel Attributes on Brand Attachment and Post-Consumption Outcomes: The Mediating Effects of Brand Credibility. International Journal of Business and Society, 21(1), 313–333.