Factors Influencing Financial Planning for Marriage amongst Young Malaysian Couples


  • Joyce Hwee-Nga Koe Sunway University Business School, Malaysia
  • Ken Kyid Yeoh Nottingham University Business School, Malaysia




Financial Planning, Financial Literacy, Financial Goals, Consumer Attitudes, Attitudes Towards Money, Attitude Towards Debt


Financial planning for marriage contributes to happier, more satisfying and longer-lasting unions. However, there is increasing evidence that young Malaysian couples are burdened by excessive debts and have a tendency to overspend on their wedding. Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the current study investigates key factors — financial literacy, attitude towards money, attitude towards debt, financial goals and social influence — that are likely to influence the degree of financial planning for marriage undertaken by married and soon-to-be-married couples. The study also examines the mediating role of financial literacy on the relationships between the aforementioned key factors and financial planning for marriage. The study collected data from a sample of 201 respondents recruited via purposive sampling and used a bootstrapped partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach for data analysis. The results showed that (i) financial literacy positively influences financial planning for marriage; (ii) attitude towards money, financial goals and social influence positively influence both financial literacy and financial planning for marriage; (iii) attitude towards debt has a negative influence on financial planning for marriage but no influence on financial literacy; and (iv) financial literacy has a mediating effect. The findings highlight the importance of financial counselling, education as well as discipline in bringing about successful marriages.


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How to Cite

Joyce Hwee-Nga Koe, & Ken Kyid Yeoh. (2021). Factors Influencing Financial Planning for Marriage amongst Young Malaysian Couples. International Journal of Business and Society, 22(1), 33–54. https://doi.org/10.33736/ijbs.3161.2021