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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1) All contributions/articles/works submitted to IJACA must be original. They must neither be under consideration for publishing elsewhere, nor have been published in other journals or publications previously.
  • 2) The submission file is in Microsoft Word.
  • 3) All authors whose works have been accepted for publication in IJACA are required to sign an agreement granting UNIMAS Publisher the copyright / exclusive license to publish their original research paper(s). However, the author(s) retain certain rights to their own work. Please refer to the Copyright Consent Form for Journal in the IJACA website for further information. IJACA also reserves the right to edit all contributions to the journal.
  • 4) IJACA invites submissions of manuscripts from scholars, researchers and arts practitioners on a broad range of subjects in the arts, the creative industries and creative technology that are relevant and significant to the applied and creative arts. We accept articles for publication based on their originality, contributions to knowledge, and conciseness, accuracy as well as clarity.
  • 5) Review: All submissions will be double blind peer reviewed. Contributors are required to obtain the necessary permission and copyright of materials in their articles. Please refer to the Authors Guidelines for further information.
  • 6) Please refer to the Author Guidelines for further information.

Author Guidelines

Language: English and Bahasa Melayu. (For articles in Bahasa Malaysia, the title, abstract, and
keywords should be written in both English and Bahasa Malaysia.)

Length: Maximum 12 pages. This includes graphics, images, tables and reference lists.

Title: Designated title for the manuscript up to 50 words

Abstract: The abstract for each submission/article/work is limited to 200 words. Please refer to the detailed format attached for further information.

Keywords:  At least five (5) key words, separated by a comma and list according to alphabetical order.

Name of Author(s): Each submission is to be furnished with the full name(s) (given names, followed by last name), correspondence author and address as well e-mail address of each author.

Format: A detailed format is provided below as a downloadable template file in both English and Bahasa Melayu versions:  (English Version Template File: Here & Bahasa Melayu Version Template File: Here)

References: 7th Edition of APA Formatting and Style.

Footnotes and Endnotes: Please do not include any footnotes or endnotes in your writing. Any pertinent information should be incorporated into the article’s main text.

Foreign Terms: Please use italic type for foreign terms on first mention; for subsequent mentions, use roman type.

Abbreviations and Acronyms: Abbreviations or acronyms should appear in full on first mention in your article, with the abbreviation or acronym in parenthesis (for example, “Sarawak Cultural Village (SCV).”) The acronym alone can then be used throughout the rest of the article.

Time Frames and Dates: Please do not use references such as “now” or “presently”, and “the past ten years,” etc. in your text. Make use of time frames: “since the 1990s”; “in the mid-2000’s”; “as of early 2019”. Include dates when mentioning specific events.

Fact-Checking: Many readers of your article are likely not specialists in your field. Therefore, please include geographical, chronological, or cultural clues to identify people and concepts mentioned in your article where needed. People’s full names should be used on first mention; use only surnames thereafter. Before submitting your article, please double-check the accuracy of names, place names, dates, and other basic information in the text and bibliographies. 

Use of Previously Published Material and In-Text Citations

Avoid using quotation from previously published works, even if they are your own. Two reasons being: (1) to avoid the necessity of securing written permission to reprint material from copyright sources, and (2) to ensure that the articles are truly original, in accordance with your publishing agreement.

IJACA Policy on Plagiarism

In maintaining our ethical standards in publishing, IJACA has a zero-tolerance policy with regards to materials or text that has been taken from other sources, without proper acknowledgement and permission. This includes material taken from the Internet or author’s own work that has been previously published. Articles containing instances of plagiarism, whether intentional or accidental, will not be published. Authors are required to submit similarity index through Turnitin which is less than 25%.


Authors may need to secure permission from the copyright holder to quote, reprint, or adapt works or portions of works from other sources (e.g. published books and journals, poetry, song lyrics, quotations from unpublished works, photos, tables, and figures) and the use of all copyrighted third-party material.

When securing permission, please be sure that you secure worldwide print or electronic rights, as the reference work will be published in electronic formats. It is the author’s responsibility to determine the copyright status of the third-party material, including sources quoted, and for securing reprint permission. Do secure permission from subjects in photographs, owners of photographs, graphics before the article is submitted to IJACA.   

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.