Dragonfly Diversity (Insect: Odonata) in Asem Binatur River, Pekalongan, Indonesia
Dragonflies have an essential role in the aquatic ecosystem. The nymph phase lives in water and is sensitive to environmental changes. The reduced number of dragonflies in an area can be an indication of changes in the quality of water and environmental health. This research was conducted in the Asem Binatur River, Pekalongan, Indonesia, from November 2018 to April 2019. The purpose of this study was to determine species diversity, the index value of the Pekalongan River dragonfly diversity by using the point count method. Long hand high net, wrapping paper/papilot and camera were used to catch and observe the dragonflies. The Shannon-Wiener species diversity index was calculated. Seven species of dragonflies were recorded from Asem River. There were Orthetrum sabina, Diplacodes trivalis, Neurothemis ramburii, Crocothemis servilia, Pantala flavescens, Neurothemis stigmatizans and Orthetrum chrysis. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index analysis was ranged from 0 to 0.31, indicating low diversity. Abiotic parameter measurements showed the humidity was 67.17%, the soil pH was 7.11, the light intensity was 46310 lux and the temperature was 30 °C. The analysis of the dragonfly diversity index was correlated with the poor water quality status in Asem Binatur River, Pekalongan.
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