The Bidayuh Cultural Identity “Issues” of the Progeny of Mixed Marriages


  • Peter Karubi Nwanesi UNIMAS



Mixed-Marriage, cultural identity, Bidayuh, Heritage, Progeny


The study investigates the complexities surrounding the cultural identity of Bidayuh progeny from mixed marriages. It aims to explore how these individuals navigate their heritage, balancing Bidayuh traditions with influences from other cultural backgrounds. Through qualitative methods, including interviews and participant observations, the research examines the perceived 'issues' related to identity, community acceptance, and cultural continuity. Findings indicate that while mixed heritage progeny often experience identity conflicts and societal pressures, they also contribute to the dynamic evolution of Bidayuh culture. The study highlights the need for inclusive cultural policies that embrace diversity within the community, fostering a more integrated cultural identity.


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How to Cite

Nwanesi, P. K. (2024). The Bidayuh Cultural Identity “Issues” of the Progeny of Mixed Marriages. Journal of Borneo-Kalimantan, 10(1), 11–20.