Trust on Knowledge-Sharing Behaviour Among Academicians in Public Universities: A Review


  • Arenawati Sehat Sehat Omar 1Ph.D Student Institute Borneo Studies Universiti Malaysia Sarawak 94300 Kota Samarahan Sarawak



Universities are probably the places, where knowledge is freely and openly shared among the academicians. Although, the knowledge sharing is hardly presented within the university level these days in reality. Academic institutions, specifically the public universities are now experiencing the ever rising faculty demands for quality expertise and resource sharing. As a consequence, knowledge sharing has become a rising concern in academia. The study has aimed to assess the factors concerned with knowledge sharing among academicians in public universities. The study has reviewed the knowledge-sharing behaviour concept from the academic perspective in terms of written contribution, organizational communications, and communities of practice. Trust based on Social Exchange Theory has also been reviewed along with the association between trusts and knowledge-sharing behaviour. The study has highlighted trust as an essential factor, which makes an organization strive on valuable resources. Knowledge, on the other hand, is deemed as a power and considered as an undeniable aspect. Knowledge-sharing behaviour and humans are the two main constituents of knowledge. The study has presented the theoretical assessment of how the academicians are disposed positively towards the knowledge sharing within an organization. It is essential to assist practitioners to create and promote a knowledge-sharing environment especially within the context of public universities.

Keywords: Trust, knowledge, knowledge-sharing behavior, public universities, Malaysia


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How to Cite

Omar, A. S. S. (2018). Trust on Knowledge-Sharing Behaviour Among Academicians in Public Universities: A Review. Journal of IT in Asia, 8(1), 1–6.


