A Study on Potential of Rainwater Harvesting System in SJK Chung Hua No. 2, Kuching


  • Brenda K.E. Law
  • Rosmina A. Bustami




This study focuses on rainwater harvesting system in a school area in Kuching, Sarawak. Over the years of development processes, there exists quite a number of environmental issues in Malaysia and this is getting serious day by day. Flooding, greenhouse effect, pollution, and global warming are some of the factors that are happening brought about by the rapid development in Malaysia and the whole world today. Presently, the water supply systems have improved but the demand is increasing due to the population growth, and development. To pursue the need for a more sustainable development, rainwater harvesting has been recognized as one of the innovative solutions. This method can be used as an alternative water supply in the future and can reduce the utility bills for water supply among the consumers and potential to be implemented in Malaysia since it has high rainfall intensity. Besides, usage of the collected water volume from rainwater harvesting was direct and without any treatment. The process will include observation of the study area, rainfall data, and collections of data to determine the storage capacity required. From this study, rainwater can fully replace the treated water and the cost of the system is RM 16,699.60. The payback period of the system is 7.12 years with minimum maintenance fees.


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How to Cite

Law, B. K., & A. Bustami, R. (2013). A Study on Potential of Rainwater Harvesting System in SJK Chung Hua No. 2, Kuching. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, 4(2), 28–33. https://doi.org/10.33736/jcest.116.2013


