Recapitulation of Survey on Taxonomy: Security Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Networks
UAVs, unmanned aerial vehicle, security, IoE, cyber securityAbstract
The operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) presents various challenges for radio spectrum management. It is crucial to ensure safety, effective spectrum use, and compatibility with existing wireless networks. However, the dynamic nature of UAV networks requires adaptive spectrum decisions and resilient schemes that can provide reliable services. Current spectrum schemes may have limitations when used in UAV networks. Nevertheless, the integration of communication technology, computation power, and control modules in UAV networks can construct a comprehensive sequence of data detecting, intelligence transferring, deliberation, and final implementation, which facilitates cyber processes in physical devices. This integration turns the UAV network into a cyber-physical system (CPS). The internet of everything (IoE) is the concept of an all-encompassing network connecting everything. It is facing significant obstacles, such as limited broadband service and shortages in existing network technology. UAVs have recently gained attention due to their mobility, affordability, and versatility. They have the potential to circumvent the challenges faced by IoE. This paper aims to provide an overview of UAVs from a different perspective, highlighting the challenges they present and discussing future research directions to ensure a proper plan for the future. With the proliferation of UAVs, it is essential to address issues related to their safe operation, efficient use of spectrum, and compatibility with existing networks. Moreover, research should focus on developing resilient schemes that can deliver smooth and reliable services in UAV networks. In conclusion, the operation of UAVs poses several challenges for radio spectrum management, but they also offer opportunities for innovation and development. The integration of communication technology, computation power, and control modules in UAV networks turns them into cyber-physical systems with the potential to overcome the challenges faced by IoE. Further research is necessary to ensure safe and efficient operation, and to explore the possibilities that UAVs offer for the future.
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