Trends in Undergraduate Research <div style="text-align: justify;">Trends in Undergraduate Research (TUR) is a peer-reviewed, open access, and multi-disciplinary research journal published under UNIMAS Publisher. The journal publishes undergraduate research articles in three major niche areas: (i) Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation; (ii) Information Communication and Creative Technology; and (iii) Sustainable Community Transformation. These include a wide variety of fields, ranging from resource science and technology, applied and creative arts, cognitive sciences and human development, computer science and information technology, economics and business, engineering, medicine and health sciences, social sciences and humanities, as well as language and communication.<br><img src="/ojs/public/site/images/ojsadm/TUR.jpg"></div> <div style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Universiti Malaysia Sarawak en-US Trends in Undergraduate Research 2637-093X <p align="justify"><strong>Copyright Transfer Statement for Journal</strong></p> <p>1) In signing this statement, the author(s) grant UNIMAS Publisher an exclusive license to publish their original research papers. The author(s) also grant UNIMAS Publisher permission to reproduce, recreate, translate, extract or summarize, and to distribute and display in any forms, formats, and media. 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Upon submission of the manuscript, the author(s) agree that no similar work has been or will be submitted or published elsewhere in any language. If submitted manuscript includes materials from others, the authors have obtained the permission from the copyright owners. <br><br>5) In signing this statement, the author(s) declare(s) that the researches in which they have conducted are in compliance with the current laws of the respective country and UNIMAS Journal Publication Ethics Policy. Any experimentation or research involving human or the use of animal samples must obtain approval from Human or Animal Ethics Committee in their respective institutions. The author(s) agree and understand that UNIMAS Publisher is not responsible for any compensational claims or failure caused by the author(s) in fulfilling the above-mentioned requirements. The author(s) must accept the responsibility for releasing their materials upon request by Chief Editor or UNIMAS Publisher. <br><br>6) The author(s) should have participated sufficiently in the work and ensured the appropriateness of the content of the article. The author(s) should also agree that he or she has no commercial attachments (e.g. patent or license arrangement, equity interest, consultancies, etc<em>.</em>) that might pose any conflict of interest with the submitted manuscript. The author(s) also agree to make any relevant materials and data available upon request by the editor or UNIMAS Publisher.</p> Pertembungan Budaya dalam Novel Melati Sarawak: Satu Analisis <p>Melati Sarawak merupakan novel Melayu Sarawak kedua tertua, selepas Hikayat Panglima Nikosa yang terbit pada tahun 1876 di Kuching. Novel ini ditulis oleh Muhammad Rakawi Yusuf pada tahun 1932 yang memaparkan kehidupan masyarakat Melayu Sarawak pada awal abad ke-20 yang masih dijajah oleh Brooke. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pertembungan budaya yang terdapat dalam novel Melati Sarawak khususnya antara budaya tempatan dengan budaya barat. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan wujudnya pertembungan budaya dalam novel ini iaitu dari aspek permainan gendang Melayu, kepercayaan animisme, pengaruh bahasa Inggeris, pendidikan moden, dan gaya hidup masyarakat Melayu pada zaman tersebut. Pengarang menggunakan novel ini sebagai medium untuk menyuarakan kritikan terhadap budaya suka berhibur serta kelemahan masyarakat Melayu Sarawak dalam bidang pendidikan. Novel ini penting sebagai penanda aras kepada status dan kedudukan masyarakat Melayu Sarawak pada era pasca Malaysia.</p> Dilah Tuah Copyright (c) 2024 UNIMAS Publisher 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 7 1 f1 7 10.33736/tur.6239.2024 WeWasteNoMore: A Mobile Food Waste Management & Food Aid Application <p>Nowadays, food waste is becoming a major problem. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), almost half of all food produced will never be consumed in our society. The process of wasting food might bring significant impacts to the environment as well. In Malaysia, the commonly used methods to manage food waste unsustainable for the environments. Therefore, the main purpose of designing and developing WeWasteNoMore with Waterfall model in this project is to create and manage food inventory wisely. Besides, this application can generate monthly expenses based on the food purchased. The proposed application received positive feedback from the evaluation.</p> Samuel Ng You Fan Ling Yeong Tyng Copyright (c) 2024 UNIMAS Publisher 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 7 1 c1 15 10.33736/tur.6050.2024 Receipt Image Extraction in Budgeting Mobile Application <p style="font-weight: 400;">Money is spent and received almost daily. In most cases, receipts are issued after making a transaction.&nbsp; Budgeting mobile applications let users record these transactions for the purpose of tracking and managing their budget and money flow.&nbsp; The normal budgeting application let users input their transactions manually.&nbsp; In this paper, we proposed an improved feature: computer vision to capture the receipts and extract the data from the receipts.The technology used to extract the data of receipt is Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer which is a specialized Optical Character Recognizer (OCR) service that helps to extract form-like data. The user is required to take a picture of a receipt then the data of the receipt would be extracted. This would help to save the time for the user to repeat the steps to record the transaction by entering the details such as name, amount, date and so on one by one. The tools used for development are Android Studio and Visual Studio Code. Azure Services including Azure Web App Service, Azure Database for MySQL flexible server and Azure Form Recognizer are utilized in this project to develop a web-hosting budgeting mobile application. After the development of the application is done, the real application was tested by 30 respondents and received positive feedback from the respondents where 86.7% of the respondents agreed that the receipt scanning feature and its ability to automatically fill in the transaction details were satisfactory.This budgeting mobile app has the potential to reduce the mistake through manual keying in.</p> Rou Yi Wong Ping Ping Tan Copyright (c) 2024 UNIMAS Publisher 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 7 1 c16 25 10.33736/tur.6110.2024 Kepimpinan Distributif Pengetua dan Efikasi Kendiri Guru di Sekolah Menengah Daerah Saratok, Sarawak <p>Seorang pemimpin atau ketua mempunyai peranan penting dalam mewujudkan dasar dan matlamat ke arah kemajuan sekolah. Tujuan kajian ini ialah bagi mengetahui kepimpinan distributif pengetua. Selain itu, efikasi kendiri guru perlu diperoleh bagi menentukan hubungan antara kedua-dua pembolehubah. Daerah Saratok Sarawak merupakan tempat kajian. Kajian ini dilaksanakan secara kuantitatif melalui soal selidik ke atas 186 responden dan dianalisis menggunakan SPSS. Dapatan membuktikan bahawa hubungan yang positif signifikan tetapi sederhana telah diperoleh. Bagi tahap kepimpian distributif pengetua dan tahap efikasi kendiri guru pula kedua-duanya menunjukkan nilai yang tinggi. Secara impaknya, kepimpinan distributif perlu dipraktikkan secara menyeluruh di peringkat sekolah agar dapat memberi kesan kepada efikasi kendiri guru di sekolah. Kesimpulannya, pengetua sebagai pemimpin perlu mengamalkan kepimpinan yang berkesan untuk menguruskan sekolah demi mencapai matlamat pendidikan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhamad Najib Yusuf Mohamed Yusof Mohd Noor Copyright (c) 2024 UNIMAS Publisher 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 7 1 h1 11 10.33736/tur.6842.2024 Penglibatan Golongan Belia dan Cadangan dalam Mengurangkan Kegiatan Mat Rempit <p>One of the reasons of societal issues among young people nowadays might be attributed to ‘Mat Rempit's’ or ‘merempit's’ actions. The three objectives of the study are to determine the causes teens involved in Mat Rempit activities, to identify the effects to the teens, and to suggest steps may be taken to prevent Mat Rempit activities among teenagers. This study employs a qualitative methodology by interviewing five respondents. The sample of respondents was chosen randomly. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. From the findings peer pressure, social media, money, and self-interest in the automotive industry are the main reasons why teens involved in Mat Rempit activities. These have caused accidents, caught up in more serious societal issues, and excessive financial squandering. It is suggested that to increase the age limits for licence applications, adding more public circuits, and police operations on weeknights. In conclusion, it is hope that the study's findings on the world of motoring would help to inform the public and raise youngsters' knowledge of the risks associated with Mat Rempit activities.</p> Muhd Khairul Najmi bin Nasir Athirah Azhar Copyright (c) 2024 UNIMAS Publisher 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 7 1 h12 23 10.33736/tur.5753.2024