The Cyc-life

  • Kelvin Lee Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Keywords: healthy lifestyle, community, balance


A healthy lifestyle is the key element for a community that balances the mental and physical states of each individual.  Community interaction within the neighbourhood is one of the ways to boost one's mental health while exercising is to promote one's individual physical performance.  Cyc-life promotes a new urban lifestyle in which working and health conditions of each community resident are balanced by BLENDING the daily living routine with physical sports, and at the same time reconnecting back with nature.  A balanced economic cycle is also an element in the new urban lifestyle.  Vertical farming pods provide opportunities for the residents to farm fresh organic products for self-use and for economic purposes.


Author Biography

Kelvin Lee, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak




How to Cite
Lee, K. K. S. (2023). The Cyc-life. Trends in Undergraduate Research, 6(1), j1-4.
Built Environment (Presentation boards)