Use Of TikTok Slang Among Malaysian Generation Z


  • Ernisa Marzuki UNIMAS
  • Syafiqah Universiti Malaysia Sarawak



Generation Z, TikTok, slang usage, slang acquisition


This study examines the usage of TikTok slang among Generation Z. The specific objectives are to 1) determine the perceived frequencies of usage; 2) identify the contexts during which TikTok slang are used; 3) determine how the slang are acquired; and 4) find out the reasons why the slang is used. The participants were 102 Generation Z participants aged 10-25 in Malaysia. An online questionnaire was used to collect data. The results showed that 52% of the participants frequently used TikTok slang in communication but 6.9% never used it. As for sources of acquiring slang, social media was the most influential. Friends are more important than family in spreading use of TikTok slang, mainly because TikTok slang is mostly used among young people rather than adults. Over half of the participants frequently used TikTok slang at school or at work but less during social gatherings, and the least during formal meetings. The main reason for the Generation Z participants to use TikTok slang is for fun (73.5%) but one-third of the participants used slang to be creative, show solidarity with ingroup and to be efficient in communication. The study suggests that TikTok slang has possibly spread from social media use into face-to-face communication in school and work settings.


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How to Cite

Marzuki, E., & Mustapha, N. S. . (2023). Use Of TikTok Slang Among Malaysian Generation Z. Trends in Undergraduate Research, 6(2), f12–17.



Language and Communication