Social Change and Identity – Education and the Socio-Political Awareness of Sarawak Malays Before 1963


  • MUHAMMAD KHALILUR RAHMAN BIN TAMAM Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia



Education emancipates a society, and this is also true in Sarawak for where it has an important role in maintaining the core values of Sarawak Malay identity politics. Education, and how it is related to the political consciousness of the Sarawak Malay, shall be the main subject of this research. The purpose of this study is to analyse the role and importance of education in maintaining the core values in Sarawak Malays identity politics. This study was conducted through library research and other secondary sources as it tries to explore the elements of education and the social and political change of the Sarawak Malays. Education not only provided the access to social mobility and socio-political awareness of the Sarawak Malays, but it also enhanced the politics of identity of Sarawak Malays through the inculcation of values based on Islam and the local context of Malayness (Kemelayuaan).


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How to Cite

MUHAMMAD KHALILUR RAHMAN BIN TAMAM. (2020). Social Change and Identity – Education and the Socio-Political Awareness of Sarawak Malays Before 1963. Trends in Undergraduate Research, 3(2), h22–32.



Social Sciences and Humanities