Work-Life Balance Among Expatriates





There are 90000 professional expatriates working in Malaysia and the number is projected to increase year by year. This creates a need to explore work-life balance among expatriates in Malaysia. In this study, qualitative research method was used, and the data was collected using interview guide as the instrument. Actual data was collected from five (5) international lecturers in a public university in Sarawak. The data was analyzed using content analysis. The finding revealed that workload and family support are main contributors to work-life conflict among expatriates while receiving better salaries, meeting new people and experiencing culture are the work-life enrichment factors. Expatriates use general adjustment and interaction to adjust better with their new environment. Hence, it is recommended for organizations to support expatriates through relevant activities to assist them to achieve work-life balance in a foreign country.


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How to Cite

ABD MALEK, N. S. ., HASSAN, Z., & SABIL, S. (2019). Work-Life Balance Among Expatriates. Trends in Undergraduate Research, 2(1), e1–11.



Cognitive Sciences and Human Development