Production and Decomposition of Mangrove Species Rhizophora apiculata Blume in Surabaya East Coast Indonesia
Production and decomposition of Rhizophora apiculata Blume
Aquatic nutrition, ecosystem, mangrove litter, nutrient valueAbstract
The mangrove ecosystem is supported by the production and decomposition of leaf litter, as well as the release of nutrients into the environment and the neighbouring coastal seas. The release of phosphorus and nitrogen contributes significantly to the improvement of the nutritional values, which benefits marine species and the neighbourhood. In the current study, nutrient release, leaf decomposition rate, litter generation, and mangrove habitat at Surabaya East Coast, Java, Indonesia were all examined. Three transects and three plots in each transect were established. The percentage of initial dry mass remaining in the litter bags were determined by using two sample t-test in Statistica 6.0 software. The decomposition of Rhizophora apiculata leaves was studied by using litter bag technique. They were made of synthetic nylon with the dimension of 15×15×25 cm and mesh size of 1×1.25 mm2. Senescent leaves were used because they present major leaves on the forest floor. According to the findings, daily mangrove litter production (dry weight) varied between 2.15 and 3.28 g/m2. Branch litter (9.43 – 13.27%), reproductive parts (8.20 – 14, 31%), and leaf litter (76.26 – 78.53%) were the other major contributors. The 345.6 ha of mangrove forests along the east coast of Surabaya are the results of reforestation, which has the potential to produce nitrogen and phosphorus at the rates of 109.43 to 173.549 kg/ha/year and 5.467 to 8.12 kg/h/year, respectively. These results imply that decomposition breakdown rates differ across the research area due to the variation in the nutrients availability. Changes in the breakdown of detritus point to variations in nutrient intake, which is crucial for mangrove ecosystems.
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