Histopathology of Pre-diabetic White Rat (Rattus norvegicus L.) Renal After Treatment with Turmeric Powder and Organic Quail Eggs

  • AZURA ZUHRI LAZUARDI Diponegoro University
Keywords: Kidney tissue, organic quail eggs, pre-diabetic, turmeric powder


Pre-diabetic is a disease that is caused by insulin resistance, which is identified by higher blood glucose levels than normal. Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) contains curcumin compounds that act as antioxidants to prevent damage from free radicals and to repair damaged kidney tissue from pre-diabetic condition. Organic quail eggs are supplements that can help to repair kidney tissue. This study investigated the effect of turmeric powder and organic quail eggs on pre-diabetic kidney tissue histopathology of male white rats. Twenty-five male white rats (Rattus norvegicus L.)  were used in this study and they were divided into 5 treatment groups, namely D0 (normal white rats were given standard diet), D1 (positive control, pre-diabetic white rats were given standard diet), D2 (pre-diabetic white rats were given turmeric powder 1.35 mg/head/day), D3 (pre-diabetic white rats were given 1 organic quail egg/head/day), and D4 (pre-diabetic white rats were given turmeric powder 1.35 mg/head/day and 1 organic quail egg/head/day). This research was done within 60 days. The results of the study were analysed using the ANOVA and Duncan tests. The analysis results showed that turmeric powder and organic quail eggs treatments had a significant effect on the observed parameters. The conclusion of this study is that the effect of turmeric powder and organic quail eggs has the potential to repair the kidney tissue of pre-diabetic white rats


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How to Cite
AZURA ZUHRI LAZUARDI, TEGUH SUPRIHATIN, & SILVANA TANA. (2022). Histopathology of Pre-diabetic White Rat (Rattus norvegicus L.) Renal After Treatment with Turmeric Powder and Organic Quail Eggs. Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology, 12(2), 119-133. https://doi.org/10.33736/bjrst.4920.2022