Study of Blue-Green Algae and Assessment of the Microcystin in Shrimp Aquaculture Farms in Sarawak




Blue-green algae blooms can cause severe water quality deterioration including scum formation and toxin production. A total of 17 shrimp farms in Sarawak were assessed from February to July 2018 for the abundance of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) and the levels of microcystin in the tissue of shrimps using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). There was a high cell count of Microcystis sp. at 6.77 x 108 cells/ L in Muara Tebas, Anabaena sp. at 4.99 x 107 cells / L in Telaga Air and Pseudanabaena sp. at 1.69 x 108 cells/ L in Kuala Baram. Microcystin was detected in most of the shrimp samples collected from the 17 farms in Sarawak throughout the study. The highest level of microcystin was 0.448 ppb, which was detected in Selabat whereas a value below 0.15 ppb was detected in Bandar Baru Semariang, Santubong and Oya. This study demonstrated that microcystin was detected in aquaculture samples collected from shrimp farms in Sarawak. It is, therefore, necessary to further conduct an investigation on blue-green algae in shrimp farms and methods to control their growth.


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How to Cite

LIM MUI HUA, & KU KASSIM KU YAACOB. (2019). Study of Blue-Green Algae and Assessment of the Microcystin in Shrimp Aquaculture Farms in Sarawak. Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology, 9(2), 72–81. Retrieved from